Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Taking the challenge!

Happy New Years Eve!  2013 has been a good year for our family....if I'm honest with myself it has probably been one of our better years in our almost 7 year marriage!  Other years I've ended feeling disappointed or depressed by all that I didn't accomplish in my life or in our family, this year I'm feeling pretty great!  A huge part of that has to do with the fact that I finally began learning how to control myself emotionally and physically.  I began taking control of my health by eating better, exercising daily, and calming down about all the small things that I tend to stress and lash out about.
Although the last month hasn't been full of jogging and carrot sticks, I'm proud to say that most of the year did consist of a lot of that!  I've been learning how to lean on Jesus instead of chocolate when it comes to the stresses of life.  Have I done everything perfect? Nope! Have I lost a massive amount of weight? Nah...only about 30 pounds and I may have gained a few back this past month...  Am I happier and more at peace than ever? Yes! A million times yes!  Do I have a little more patience with my princesses than I did at this time last year? Absolutely!  Do I have a LONG way to go? Definitely!

This is why I'm officially taking the Orange Rhino Challenge....for more information go to http://theorangerhino.com/join-me/....this is basically a challenge to control yourself and quit yelling...this is a huge step for me because even though I feel more in control of my emotions than I ever have....I still YELL at my children!  As of today, I am taking the challenge to not yell at the princesses for 365 days.  Don't worry! There will still be discipline...it will just start happening in a more loving way than a constant yell.  Not sure about y'all, but I don't respond very well to being yelled at.  If I don't respond well, then how can I expect my children to take it.  

I will be updating atleast monthly on how the challenge is going.  I'm hoping that by the end of 2014, my yelling will be a distant memory to my kids and that we will have an even more loving home than we already do!  I believe with God's help and your prayers I can do it! I'm excited to take the challenge!!!  

Happy 2014!!!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Fabulously Five

Happy Friday! Hope everyone is well! We are in full birthday season mode in this palace! My anniversary and birthday have come and gone in March....today Princess #1 is fabulously five!!! How did I give birth to this tiny, perfect creation and suddenly she is no longer a baby? She's now a little lady who has her mind made up about everything from how she likes to eat her pancakes to the fact that she plans to have FIVE children when she grows up to be a mommy!!! I love everything about my sweet Emma Gracie! She's the most emotional, dramatic child, yet the most kind and considerate little girl. She cares about everything from her best friend Sadie Rose to what color and style her shoes are. She has taught us all that sleep is unnecessary and you really don't have to eat much to survive! I'm truly thankful that God gave us the ultimate princess to raise! He definitely knew what we needed when he surprised us with this sweetie! Happy birthday, dear Emma Gracie! You make five SOOOO fabulous!!!! We love you!

Enjoy these pictures of our Emma's 5th birthday breakfast!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Stay married!

Happy Valentine's Day!!! All you V-Day haters can quit reading right now, because this post will be all about LOVE! It is, after all, my favorite holiday of the year! I got to thinking last night, and today is mine and my husband's 9th Valentine's Day since we met. He sent me a surprise Valentine gift when I was just 17 and I was smitten from then on! So much has happened in those 9 years! We finally actually started dating 7 years ago, got engaged 6.5 years ago, and got married almost 6 years ago. It didn't stop there!!! We had princess #1 almost 5 years ago and added princess #2 almost 4 years ago! We also made our first big move almost 1 year ago...BUSY! I wouldn't trade the last decade for anything....it's been fun, hectic, scary, wonderful, and a perfect mess of so many plans.

Today's post isn't just about our Valentine's Days together, though. The past couple years, we have watched as the terrible divorce word has ripped through the lives of many people our age and who got married around the times we did. Some are friends...some are family...some we just know of. Nothing makes me more sad than when a couple gives up and ends their marriage. Everyone has an excuse...they never should've got married...they were too young...they didn't treat each other right...and on and on and on. When the truth is they just plain and simple gave up. Now I am no expert on marriage and can't give any earth shattering marriage advice or counseling, but I do know that when you make divorce an option that is when the problems start.

We got married at the baby ages of 19 and 21! Were we ready to get married? Maybe not! Were we so head over heals in love that we couldn't stand living apart another day? Definitely! Am I proponent of getting married young? Absolutely! The problem today is not an age problem or a readiness problem. It is a selfishness problem. I know of people that divorce because they got married young and "didn't have time to find themselves." That's when the selfishness creeps in. I've literally had a young mom tell
me that she is done with her marriage because she got married too young and had kids too fast and now she doesn't have anytime for herself. Welcome to having a relationship and being a parent! If you didn't want to spend the rest of your life nurturing others then you
probably shouldn't have gotten married

But here's the deal...you DID get married!!! We live in a culture that tells us that it's fine to dispose of a marriage if YOU aren't happy...it's okay to tear your spouse and children's lives apart if it doesn't feel right to YOU. Guess what you got married and if you have babies then you better do everything in your power to provide them a happy loving home with TWO parents! Divorce ruins lives and breaks God's heart. So you're not happy? Then get in the Word and get a prayer life...your husband and children will never make you happy until you are living a God loving life. I know I am being in your face about this subject, but it's been on my heart and I live in TX now so I can tell it like it is!

I'm not really sure who this post is for but, I really felt compelled to encourage someone today. If you are feeling unhappy or that your marriage is falling apart around you, go to God. Don't throw away a beautiful marriage for selfish reasons. Don't ruin a child's life because you can't get things straight. Develop a personal prayer life....once that happens develop a prayer life with your spouse and children. Like I said I've only been married almost 6 years and most of the time have no clue what I'm doing. We have faced some rough times, though. I have learned that when my selfishness overcomes me, I better turn to God.

I guess all I have to say is don't break God's heart....ask him to mend yours! Fall in love with your spouse today! Kiss in front of the kids! Make everyone's day by being mushy and lovey dovey! Your household will appreciate it! And most if all say NO to divorce or even the talk of it! Stay married! Happy Valentine's Day, friends!

Enjoy these few photos of my sweet Valentines!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I'm back.  I did not die. I did not lose my mind. I've just been busy with life.  I'm not going to start off promising to blog more, because I don't know when or if I'll blog again.  I will start off with an update!

Change has come since the last time I blogged...which is probably obvious since it has been over a year since our last reunion.  The princesses are now 3 and 4, and princess #1 is about to begin the second semester of Pre-K.  While princess #1 is learning and excelling in school, princess #2 is relishing in the fact that she gets to stay home and have fun with Mommy everyday.  We also decided to change our palace location.  As of April 30, 2012, we are officially Texans (not really...they all still call us Yankees down here...original, huh?)!!!!  We now live 5 minutes from Mimi and Poppy's house and are settling nicely into our own home.   I've never been so thankful to have my own home...for half the year we were living with my parents while finding a place to live!  Yes, we all survived and I think they might even still be glad that we moved down!

Princess #1, our Emma Grace, lives in a magical world of dressing up and having concerts.  She enjoys using her big vocabulary by telling us things are "brilliant" and telling her Sadie Rose not to "panic".  Princess #2, sweet Sadie Rose, spends her days in non-stop conversation with her imaginary friends, who always have interesting names such as Henna and Merleah.  They adore life and constantly make us laugh.

Justin and I have now been married almost 6 years!!!!! Time flies when you're having babies!  We are now able to enjoy date nights regularly, which have been a rarity in our marriage until now.  Thanks to Mimi and Poppy who have fun sleepovers for the Princesses while I date my husband.

Change is abundant in our lives as we watch our girls grow and embark on big adventures in this even bigger world.  2012 was year of personal and spiritual change in our lives.  I'm feeling renewed and refreshed spiritually as I watch God bless our family, church, and youth group.  I'm thankful for the changes of 2012; but even more so, I am anticipating the changes God will make in my family's lives in 2013! Happy New Year!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I'm Back

Hey everyone!  I am back to blogging with a fresh, new look and name to my blog!  I have been a little out of touch with my techie side for the last couple of months and haven't had the time to get online a whole lot.  I'll go ahead and blame it on the fact that I have been potty training not one but TWO princesses!  I am happy to report that they are both doing very well and Princess #2 has almost caught up with her sister in the potty training race.  I still have to pinch myself to wake up from this dream of not buying diapers in 2 weeks!

So here is a quick run down on what has been going on in this palace since the last time I blogged.  In May, we celebrated Princess #2's second birthday.  We officially have a terrible 2 and a trying 3 year old, which I think is absolutely terrific!  I'm really enjoying these ages and stages.  I love watching my girls develop their little personalities and learn so many new things! 

I can't think of anything super, significant that took place in June.  In July, we took a 3 week trip to Texas to visit my parents.  We had an amazing time with our family from Texas and New York!  The girls got to be with their cousins, Charlie and Levi, from Brooklyn, NY.  My times with my cousins are some of my favorite memories, so I am especially thankful that the princesses are able to make those same memories at Mimi and Poppy's house. 

August consisted of the wedding of Justin's cousin in Little Rock and a week long trip to Mimi and Poppy's house for the girls.  They had so much fun and I got my house organized! 

September was a fun month spent mostly at home enjoying my babies!  I also joined a MOPS group in Jonesboro and I am so enjoying meeting with other moms of preschoolers for support and encouragement in our mommying journeys!  My girls are loving it too!  If you have a child that's not in school yet, I highly encourage you to find your local group here and join! 

So far October has been a  beautiful month full of activities, and to top it all off we will be taking another trip to Texas the last week of this month!  I am officially "homesick" and need my mom.  These princesses are also having Mimi and Poppy withdrawals.

So basically we've just been living, loving, and learning life together.  I hope all of you are doing the same!  Remember to never take one day for granted.  Go kiss your spouse and babies before another minute goes by!  Love to all of you!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Happy Wednesday!  Hope everyone is having a fabulous week so far!  I know it is a busy week for many since Easter is on Sunday.  I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter!
Easter baskets and bunnies are FUN, but don't forget to be EXTRA grateful to Jesus for making the ULTIMATE sacrifice on the cross!

Today I am loving that our power is back on and that we are safe after the terrible storms yesterday.
Thankfully we didn't have any damage at our palace, but we are praying for those who did.

I am loving that this past weekend I was able to attend a ladies conference near Little Rock with the other ladies in my church.  We had a wonderful time and I can honestly say that I was changed after this conference.  The speaker was Rachel Coltharp and she did AMAZING!  It's unbelievable how God can speak right through a person and it is exactly what you need to hear!  You can read this great lady's blog right here.  I'm loving that I am adorned for Him!  Oh yeah and I'm loving my fantastic husband for watching the princesses while I was gone.  He did so great with them and even matched their clothes and hairbows.  I am a proud wife!

I'm also loving this amazing Boston butt that we bought from our church's fundraiser this weekend!  We paid $25 for it and it has already fed us three meals this week and I have a ton in the freezer for later!
We made it into BBQ pulled pork sandwiches, ate it in wraps, and over baked potatoes.  DELICIOUS!

I'm also loving my fenced in backyard this year!  AND the wooden swingset that will be sitting in it this weekend!  The girls and I have had a blast outside this year and I never have to worry about them running in the street!  So glad we moved!

Last but never least, I am loving my man and the princesses in the most impossible way!  How can it be that I am so blessed to have these three in my life?  So thankful!

What are you loving today?  Link up and let us know!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Life's Not Fair

Hello everyone!  I hope you all are having a fabulous week!  I did not get to do a What I'm Loving Wednesday post yesterday, but definitely look for one next week.  I've been busy enjoying this amazing Spring weather that we've been blessed with.  The princesses and I have been outside everyday for hours on end, which has been so special for them.  We are sick of being inside, for sure!

There is not a ton of new going on in this palace, but there are a few things.

Sadie is now talking better than ever.  She asked me, "Mommy, dressed?"  I said, "Yes, Mommy got dressed."  She touched my jacket and said, "Cute!!!"  How is it possible that my baby is turning two in exactly one month???

Emma magically acts and looks like she is 5, now that she had her 3rd birthday.  How is it that they automatically grow up a little more on their birthdays?

And in other exciting news!!!  My wonderful parents are up and moving to Orangefield, TX!  The have been elected to pastor the Orangefield United Pentecostal Church.  So after 5 years of traveling and evangelizing, they are excited to call Texas their new home.  We are super happy and excited for them in this new phase in their lives, and foresee many trips to Texas in our future.

I have had the honor of teaching princess #1 a new lesson in her young life, lately.  She watched her beloved Clifford movie a couple weeks ago and learned the phrase, "It's not fair!"  Oh and did I mention that she knows exactly how to use it too? 

"Mommy, can I have fruitsnacks?"  "No baby, we're about to eat supper."  "But, it's not fair!"

I give Sadie a cookie after dinner because she ate all of her food and Emma is still picking at her's so she can't have a cookie yet, and what do I hear?  "It's not fair!"

So my response is exactly what I was taught and that is, "Life's not fair!"

A little harsh for a 3 year old?  Maybe so, but if I make everything fair for the princesses their whole lives they are going to be in for a rude awakening.   Because no matter how equal things may seem, there will always be an unfair outcome for someone.

I could go into all the reasons that life hasn't been fair to me or to someone I love, but the list would never end!  As parents, we have to learn that life will not be kind to our kids at all times.  I don't claim to know one bit about parenting, as I have only been a parent for 3 short years.  I was, however, raised by pretty awesome parents.  Who, by the way, give fantastic parenting advice if you need any!  They have been experts at teaching my brothers and I that life is not going to always go the way you plan or want it to, but in order to be blessed with something better or more you must always give thanks for the little that you do have. 

Although, I don't necessarily enjoy this part of parenting where I have to differentiate at times.  It is teaching them and me amazing lessons that I know my kids will appreciate me for later.  So for now, princess #1 will have to just deal with the fact that, "Life's Not Fair!"

But aren't you glad for the amazing blessings that we DO have!  Be thankful on this Thursday!

I'm especially thankful for the three most amazing people in my life today!

"In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."  1 Thessalonians 5:18